Communication can often be a very difficult challenge in a lot of organizations. When it comes to solving these challenges spatially, Geocortex Essentials provides real-time, map-based tools that can streamline the way your processes are being relayed from one user to another, ultimately opening the doors to a more efficient communicative environment.
Our Geocortex Tech Tip explores precisely how this functionality works for both the room administrator and other users in the room. It also shows some of the different ways it can be configured and the various types of user privileges that can be granted.
Video Transcript
“Hi, I’m Ian Sutton and I’m a Geocortex developer. Today I’m going to show you collaboration in Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 2.10.
Let’s jump right in!
For this demo I’ll be signed in and to viewers to show multiple users collaborating together on the same map. Now the first thing we want to do when we’re using collaboration is sign in. You can’t use collaboration unless you’re signed in. Now, we’re going go to our toolbar and open up collaboration.
First thing we’re going see is this big empty space where all of our collaboration content will be. At the top we see a list of rooms that we can join and you can join one or more of these rooms at the same time, and all of the messages will be blended together. But for the purposes of this demonstration we are going to create a new room which we can do with this button here.
So we’re going choose a name for our room and you can also choose a color if you don’t like the randomly assigned one and you can also manage user access here. but we’re going leave that for now. Now that we’ve created our room, it’s going to show up in the room list and we’re going to automatically join it and we can go and post some text in our room that will only be visible to people who have joined the room and have permissions to see it. Of course, that doesn’t mean much unless we have another user in the room. So, let’s go ahead and invite my dummy account. Since right now he can’t see it. We’re going go to the room list and select this room details menu here and then we’re going to hit edit and you can see that it looks very similar to the screen that we had when we were creating the room.
So we’re going to look up our dummy account here which is called Web EOC and we’re going to add him to our room permissions and you can see we can give him no permissions specifically excluding him if we want to be mean, or we can let him just view the room or we can let him edit the room and we’re going to let him edit the rooms so we can have a bit of a conversation then we’re going to save so that those changes are registered to the server.
Now you see that on our dummy account here we’ve got a notification that a new room has been added and we can open up and see that we have access to the test room now. So we’re going to open that up!
You can see in our room details that the list of active members has been updated and we can see that Web EOC has joined the test room. And now that we have more than one person in the room, we can see each other’s messages, we can share a drawing on the map and we can even post images located to specific points on the map which we can open up and view in our browser. And when we leave the room in question drawings are no longer visible and you can see that our dummy user knows that he’s now alone in the room.
So that in a nutshell is collaboration. Thanks for watching!”
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