Geocortex Web allows you to build beautiful web mapping applications without the need for costly and challenging custom development.
We’ve put a lot of time and care into loading this powerful viewer framework with a plethora of useful tools, and we wanted to take some time to hep you understand where and how to access some of these using the toolbar within the interface.
With that in mind, today’s Geocortex Tech Tip will examine how to use the toolbar and will highlight a few different options that you can configure within it, such as adding workflows and reports.
Video Transcript
“Hi my name is Paul Van Haaren, and I’m the Technical Marketing Lead. Today we’re going to look at the toolbar inside of Geocortex Web. Let’s have a look!
Here we are in the Geocortex Web Designer interface. Let me show you a few options that you can configure inside the toolbar.
First, I’m going to show you what the toolbar looks like when we begin. We have a drawing tool that has a sub menu here – I’ll show you how to configure that; clear markup, identify and print. These are just the default tools that are used.
What I am going to do is show you how, just first off when you make a change, just like any other change that you make inside your configuration, you can see those changes right away inside your preview.
I’m actually just going to delete this identify tool. You can see right away that the identify tool is no longer there. I’m going to show you the sub-menu. You can see that the drawing tool has a sub menu as we saw here in the menu.
We have this sort of configuration. Inside here, you’re able to go in and configure those sub-menu items individually. In this case, you can see the draw the point, that sort of thing.
I’m actually going to rebuild this identify tool using the sub menus. So, let’s go ahead and do that. The sub menu here is “Identify,” and now I can add menu items as I see fit. Each one of these is going to have an individual name, so “Rectangle”, I won’t give it a description here, “Identify,” and then I’m going to choose rectangle as the tool itself. I’m just going to add another one here. You can see it’s now added to the sub menu and add another one here. This is going to be called “Point” and I can choose that point.
I still have a couple of menu options there now. Now I have a second sub-menu identify item with those individual items there. So, that’s adding a sub menu!
I can show you how tools can be used to toggle actually between two tools. I’m going to create a new menu item and I’m going to call it “Identify” again and I’m going to choose the “Can be toggled” option here.
As soon as I enable that option now I’m presented with a default state and an alternate state. My default state is “Identify Rectangle”, I’m fine with that. My alternate state though, is going to be “Clear Results”. The idea here is to create a square using identify tool, and the secondary option will allow me to clear the results that I’ve just returned. You can see that I’m auto completing here for me to find the other the appropriate command.
So now I can now test that. I’m going to use this identify tool to create my square I need to identify the map, my results display, and you can see that my menu has now changed to “Clear Results”. I can use that menu again, just to show here. As soon as the results appear, my “Clear Results” my toggle menu appears.
What I also want to show, is adding a workflow or even a report. Just showing that functionality. If I run a workflow – you can see that I’m going to run that again here – as soon as I hit run workflow, the run workflow command, I’m presented with all of the workflows that are in my ArcGIS Online organizational account, so this is my content specifically. I could change it to my shared with me, so this is all the content that shared with my organization. I can choose my appropriate workflow.
You can do the same thing with reports. So, report, and again I see all the reports that are in my content and the reports that are shared with me.
Finally, I’m going to show you the drawing tool and I’ll show you just the customize menu so you’re able to actually customize your arguments that you want to use for individual tools. If we’re comfortable with getting into the code a little bit and configuring your options, you can customize your command to define your arguments a little bit more specifically. It allows you to do that.
That’s all I have for you today. Hopefully this gives you a better Insight on what we can do with the toolbar and have yourself a great day!”
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